0345 061 9000 or 01246 200905

HomeCareDirect works in partnership with you to interview and select your team for long term support
A dedicated team you help to select gives Continuity of Support within Lincolnshire

The Personalised Support We Provide

Choose your own personal (care) assistants

Operating across Lincolnshire, HomeCareDirect is a nurse managed home care and nursing service

Working to the principles of full Personalisation.

We’ll help you to interview and choose a personal assistant team that is right for you.

You will be able to decide who comes into your home to provide your support and when.

You may choose someone you may already know and trust, or HCD will work with you to advertise and interview with you, where you have the ultimate choice of who you want to support you. HCD will then legally employ, on your behalf, the team you have selected and train them to CQC standards to meet your specific needs.

This will give the choice and control without the hassle of being an employer yourself.

If you are already the legal employer of your team, funded by a DP or Personal Health Budget, then you will already know the problem of being the employer.  With your choice,  HCD could just employ your current team under your current terms and conditions

This is for 16–18-year-olds when they are changing funding from children’s services to adult services

We work in a very person-centred way to create a care plan that you, as a young person, are fully involved in, alongside the people who are around you and know you best. It can include your wishes and ambitions for your life ahead

We will need to get you, if possible, onto a DP or a Personal Health Budget before you reach 18yo, so between us we build a support team around you, who HomeCareDirect (HCD) could employ on your behalf.
When you reach 18 and your funding changes from ‘childrens’ to ‘adult’ funding, we will look then to retain your support team

HCD can help with finding you somewhere to live or you may like to continue to live in your current accommodation
Your ‘Person Centred Plan’ can include leisure activities, education and training opportunities, work options (paid or unpaid), to encourage community/social integration and participation

Helping you manage your funding

HomeCareDirect (HCD) can give you ‘Choice and Control’ without worrying about your money

HCD can open an HCD individually managed bank account in your name (Free of charge)
This means you have no money management hassles and peace of mind that your funding is being professionally managed

HCD will provide a full payroll service, pay personal assistants (PA’s) wages, employer’s tax and national insurance, pay all bills for any support provided and any other bills that have been agreed as part of your personal budget

We will undertake all the ‘financial returns’ necessary back to the funder, to let you get on with your life 

How can a Personal Health Budget Improve My Life?

Your Care – Your Way
HomeCareDirect (HCD) gives you ‘Choice & Control’- without the hassle

Personal Budgets were introduced as part of the government’s personalisation agenda, in order to give people greater choice and control over the way they receive their support at home

It is recognition that people are the experts in their own situation

Traditionally, if you needed support at home, a social worker would visit to assess your needs
The services you receive would be based around this – then arranged for you

Personal budgets work completely differently. You will still be assessed, but then money will be allocated to you and then paid to you or someone holding the money on your behalf

HCD works with you to make a Direct Payment or a PHB work for you

Transition into the Community

Ready for Discharge

This is where people with behaviours that challenge perhaps with our without learning disability and perhaps with mental health problems.

They have been in secure units possibly for several years and prior to full release in the community they go through what is called a step-down service, perhaps for 6 months – 1 year to train how to look after themselves, ready for full discharge

Be Paid to Provide Care at Home

For someone you may already know

Did you know that you can now be chosen by family,  a  neighbour or by a friend to be paid to support them at home following their ‘Care Needs Assessment’? ‘Direct Payments’ and ‘Personal Health Budgets’ have made this a reality

If you are aware of anyone receiving, or needing support, then make them aware of this possibility that you could be paid to support them

HCD could employ you and train you to CQC standards to meet their care needs

A Possible Alternative to Nursing Home Care