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Charities and Voluntary Groups

Funding for enhanced quality of life at home

We are a National Service Supporting People at Home with up to, and including, Complex Needs

Our Support is to CQC Standards

We would like to offer an option of a funded enhanced quality of life support for our clients

Could your charity/voluntary group provide such Quality-of-Life Support at home?

Charities and Voluntary groups

Quality of Life

What could it look like?

via a home visit/telephone support/social outings

to meet members specific needs
Benefits Support

options and contacts to other local groups
Families Support

with high support needs family members
Group Meetings
to help with social interaction

Could it include:

  • Provide telephone advice and quality of life support?
  • Provide training to a support team to enhance the charities values?

Such services could be funded by HomeCareDirect

Charities and Voluntary Groups Quality of Life support

If you could provide this to one of our clients then please contact us

Quality of Life

Together is Better

Should you wish to explore what such a Quality-of-Life support could look like for our clients and some of your members – then please contact us

We will listen to your ideas